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The construction plan of jiangmen charging infrastructure is introduced!
Release Date:2017-10-01

      In recent days, jiangmen city development and reform bureau has issued a plan for the acceleration of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in jiangmen (2017-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the plan). The plan is to build a reasonable, efficient and efficient electric car charging infrastructure system in the whole city. According to the plan, jiangmen, plans a total of 194 designated the first batch of putting according to electric vehicles in the city of promotion plan layout in advance appropriately, to 2020, the city built a centralized charging stations 51, built a distributed 608 charging piles.

      The following is the full text of the policy plan --

      Construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in jiangmen (2017-2020)

      For further implementation of the state council and the provincial government, municipal party committee municipal government to accelerate the application of new energy electric vehicles, improve the work of the new energy electric vehicle charging infrastructure supporting deployment, to speed up the city new energy electric vehicle application, improve the new energy electric vehicle charging infrastructure facilities, according to the national development and reform commission of guangdong province about print and distribute < electric vehicle charging infrastructure planning of guangdong province (2016-2020) > notice (yue can change electric [2016] no. 632), the national development and reform commission of guangdong province about print and distribute "guangdong province electric vehicle charging infrastructure operation measures for the administration of > notice (yue can change electric [2016] no. 691), formulates this work plan.

     I. general requirements

      Comprehensive implementation of the state council and the provincial government, municipal party committee municipal government to accelerate the application of new energy electric vehicles, in zhuhai to perfect the work of the new energy electric vehicle charging infrastructure supporting deployment, give full play to the leading role of market mechanism, adhere to the "government-led, market operation, as well as the combination of speed, carrying out" principle, actively promote the application and development of new energy electric vehicle, strive to build a rational layout, convenient and efficient, covering the whole city system of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In accordance with the unified national standards to build the city's electric car charger for electric standard system, standardize the electric car charging infrastructure construction, operation, realize the connectivity between different charging service platform, to build the sustainable development of the ecological system of "Internet +" industry.

    2. Formulate the basis

    (1) guidance of the general office of the state council on speeding up the construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (guo fa [2015] no. 73)

    (2) opinions of guangdong province on accelerating the promotion and application of new energy vehicles (yuefu office [2016] no. 23)

    (3) of the national development and reform commission, the national energy administration of industry and information technology department of housing and urban-rural development about print and distribute "electric car charging infrastructure development guide (2015-2020) > notice (hair change energy [2015] no. 1454)

    (4) notice of guangdong provincial development and reform commission on printing and issuance of guangdong electric vehicle charging infrastructure plan (2016-2020) > (guangdong, 2016) 632)

    (5) notice of guangdong provincial development and reform commission on the issuance of ">" for the construction and operation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in guangdong province (guangdong, 2016 no. 691)

    (6) a number of opinions of guangdong provincial department of land and resources on land use for the construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (guangdong province, China, China (2016) no. 36)

    (7) the action plan for the supply side structural reform of jiangmen city (2016-2018)

    (8) notice of the office of the people's government of jiangmen city on printing and sending the 13th five-year plan for energy development in jiangmen city (jiang fu office [2016] no. 50)

    Iii. Development status quo

      In recent years, our city has been actively accelerating the construction of electric car charging infrastructure around energy automobile promotion, increasing policy support and special fund support. By the end of 2016, there were 1,353 electric vehicles in jiangmen: 644 public buses, 30 official passenger cars and 679 private passenger vehicles. There are five charging stations and two urban public charging stations in our city. There are 50 public charging piles, 53 charging piles for public institutions, and 1 charging piles for private passenger vehicles. The status quo of various charging stations is small.

      From the development of electric car charging facilities in our city, there are four main problems:

      One is that the charging facilities are not coordinated with the development of electric vehicles. The scale and density of charging infrastructure still can not meet the basic needs of electric car travel, and due to poor layout and poor versatility, the utilization of partial charging facilities is not high.

      Second, the construction restriction factor is much. The difficulty of construction land is widespread, involving many stakeholders and difficulty in coordination. A large number of old or non-special parking Spaces in residential areas do not have the installation conditions. In addition, problems such as public power grid, user side power facilities, road pipeline renovation and construction operation safety guarantee are also involved.

      Third, mature business model is not formed. The business model of the public charging service sector is still in the initial stage of exploration, and the charging service enterprises are generally in the red.

      Fourth, the development of electric vehicle and charging facilities technology is not mature. The short range and long charging time are still the bottleneck problems for the promotion and application of electric vehicles. The uncertainty of the development of charging technology has increased the difficulty of construction management to some extent.

    4. Configuration principles

      Moderately advanced. According to the mode of "car pile linkage, pile station first", moderate advance planning and construction of charging facilities, the overall service capacity of charging facilities meet the needs of electric vehicle promotion and application in the whole city.

      Reasonable layout. Persisting with the guide of "market dominant, how each other aid", according to the requirements of different types of electric vehicle charging, charging infrastructure classification and reasonable layout, special charging infrastructure for personal use, as the leading factor, accelerate the parking charging infrastructure construction; In a public parking lot, commercial, public facilities, highway service area, promote public charging infrastructure construction, network construction of charging infrastructure construction, basic cover area vehicles running everyday, make sure the vehicle rapidly charging in the range of internal energy in a timely manner.

      Regional differences. Based on various cities (districts) in the city social economy development and the demand for electric vehicle application, three areas in eastern area as charging infrastructure to speed up the development of a city, Taiwan, opening and three cities as charging infrastructure in the areas for popularization.

    Development goals

      According to the national development and reform commission of guangdong province about print and distribute < electric vehicle charging infrastructure planning of guangdong province (2016-2020) > notification "(yue can change electric [2016] no. 632) documentation requirements, in combination with the practical situation of our city, plans a total of 194 designated the first batch of jiangmen city putting (attachment 4, 5), according to the promotion plan of the city's electric car layout in advance appropriately, to 2020, the city built a centralized charging station about 51, built a distributed about 608 charging piles.

    (a) 2017-2018 demonstration phase, the key construction of urban public services charging infrastructure, priority at the bus station, the taxi station, transportation pivot infrastructure, to guide market consumption, expanding the size of the market;

    (2) 2019-2020 promotion stage, charging service to commercial promotion, charging network comprehensive form, basic full electric vehicle charging infrastructure development needs, charge service in the urban core radius is less than 2 km, the county and on the outskirts of service radius of not more than   3 km, in rural areas, charging service site in 33 town average points not less than 1, other town construction as a whole as needed.

Planning and management

    (a) to gradually formed throughout the city in residential area, office space (designed) with charging facilities as the main body, with public parking lots, roads, parking lots, independent charging stations and other public charging infrastructure is complementary new yard, stylistic venues, colleges and universities, industrial park, park, scenic spot, the power supply business hall, government agencies and institutions, large commercial complex, roadside parking Spaces such as the selection with exemplary role of public parking places PeiJian charge of charging service network, in inter-city and foreign channel formed on the expressway service area and oil (gas) as the main axis of public charging infrastructure service corridor.

    1. In the residential community construction, the non-public charging facilities shall be used for self-service (special).

    2. Construction of fast and slow combination of automatic charging facilities in the office, public transport and rental special site.

    3, in business, public service facilities, public parking lot, highway service area, the oil (gas) station as well as for parking beside the road construction is given priority to with quick charge, slow filling is complementary public charging infrastructure.

    (2) to strictly enforce the proportion requirements for the construction or reserve of charging infrastructure when the administrative department for urban and rural planning has issued a permit for the construction of the relevant construction projects; The competent department of construction of residential and large public building construction drawing in the review, deal with the charging infrastructure set up the audit conform to the mandatory project construction standards, does not conform to, shall not be approved; The construction authority shall incorporate the installation of charging infrastructure into the overall project acceptance category. Various charging pile (station) configuration requirements are as follows:

    1. The proportion of the construction of new residential area or reserved installation of charging facilities shall reach 100%.

    2, new business services architecture and scenic spots, transportation hub, public parking lot, car sales 4 s shop, roads, parking lots and other places, in principle, should according to no less than 20% of the total parking Spaces PeiJian charging infrastructure or obligate charging infrastructure installation conditions (including power pipeline embed and power capacity reserved) and 5% completed charging infrastructure.

    3, old village charging infrastructure planning and construction, according to the actual demand gradually encourage in existing residential area, commercial services, scenic spots, transportation hub, public parking lot, car sales 4 s shop, road stop place such as theme, according to the proportion of not less than 10% of the total number of parking Spaces gradually transform or add infrastructure. 

    4. The parking lot of the public institutions equipped with the conditions shall be equipped with the special parking space for electric vehicles and the charging piles shall be set up at the rate of not less than 20%.

    5. The existing parking lots, gas stations, enterprises such as increasing its own land to install charging infrastructure (including frame type hydraulic press, container type in electricity facilities), can from claims for construction project planning permit, but should meet the fire protection, safety, city environment, landscape and other related requirements.

    6. Build the bus replacement power station at the end of the first bus station and the bus at night.

    7. The new expressway service area and the conditional refueling (gas) station shall, in principle, be equipped with a charging pile or reserved charging facility interface in accordance with the ratio of 20% of the total number of parking Spaces. All the refueling (gas) and highway service areas with safe conditions should be fully covered by the charging and replacing facilities.

    The state and province shall make new provisions on the configuration of charging facilities.

    Construction management

    (1) investment subject of charging facilities.

    1. Investment in charging facilities shall be open to the individual, government institutions, people's organizations, state-owned enterprises and state-owned holding enterprises, private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. Power grid enterprises and charging pile production and operation enterprises should play a demonstration leading role.

    2, charging infrastructure construction unit should have appropriate levels of the water and electricity installation qualification, electric power facilities (repair, test) qualification or guangdong electric power engineering construction general contracting qualification, power transmission and transformation project specialized contracting qualification, professional mechanical and electrical installation project construction contract qualification. The operator of the charging facilities that do not have the corresponding qualification shall entrust the construction enterprises with corresponding qualification to be responsible for the construction.

    (2) approval of construction of charging facilities.

    1. Use the financial capital to invest in the construction of charging infrastructure to be approved by the development and reform departments of the same level.

    2. The enterprise invests in the charging infrastructure project to implement the preparation system, and shall be put on record by the local development and reform department; The cross-administrative region shall be recorded by the department for development and reform at the previous level. Filing and filing online. When applying for filing, the enterprise shall submit the following materials:

    (1) filing application form;

    (2) copy of enterprise business license;

    (3) ownership of the construction site, certificate of the right of use, or agreement of intention signed with the owner of the construction site and the right of use.

    3. The individual shall build the charging infrastructure in the parking garage (bit), and shall not go through the record formalities. Don't need to put on record formalities, considering construction or installation of charging infrastructure power supply security, shall report to the local power supply company to prepare information, personal reporting for electricity power grid enterprises shall monthly summary data, and be submitted to the national development and reform department of possession.

    4. Further simplify planning permission and construction permit procedures.

    (1) using the existing buildings, sites and new energy electric vehicle charging piles, as the equipment installation, do not need to conduct construction land planning permit, construction project planning permit and construction license procedures.

    (2) independent covers an area of centralized charge for new power stations should be consistent with urban planning, by the national development and reform department for the record, according to the procedure construction land planning permit, construction project planning permit, construction permit.

    (3) construction requirements of charging facilities.

    1. The construction of charging facilities shall strictly enforce relevant laws, regulations, national standards and industry standards, and meet the requirements of special plans for charging facilities and fire safety. (I need to obtain a standard compliance report with CMA or CNAS logo issued by the inspection and testing institution; If it is a national compulsory product certification, it shall also obtain the certificate of national compulsory product certification. The investment construction subject shall examine the above certificates, reports, and archive for reference.

    2. Charging facilities shall comply with national standards or industry standards of charging system and equipment interface and safety.

    3, to occupy a fixed parking property owner or the lessee for a long time (one year lease and above) the behavior of the charging infrastructure construction of neighborhood or request, the owners' committee (or the owners' congress authorized management units) should be agreed on in principle and provide the necessary assistance, including long-term construction behavior of the lessee shall comply with the law of the People's Republic of China contract law "the relevant provisions. Without prejudice to the interests of other owners, the property service enterprise shall cooperate with the owner or the construction unit entrusted by it, provide the drawing materials in a timely manner, actively cooperate with and assist in the investigation and construction of the site.

    (4) acceptance of charging facilities.

    1, charging infrastructure before put into operation, the charging infrastructure owners shall, in accordance with the "electric car charger for electric facilities construction and completion inspection and acceptance standard" (NB/T33004) the provisions of the standard, such as organization to carry out the completion inspection and acceptance, acceptance is focused on the construction quality, electrical safety, metering system, power quality index, and the vehicle charging interface, communication protocol conformance testing and debugging, and inspection of charging infrastructure certificate or test report.

    Charging infrastructure of financial subsidies to get money, according to the principle of territorial management, should also be effected by the local power supply departments listed (or power supply departments authorized by the regional power supply departments above the lower) organize related professional and technical institutes acceptance again, confirm the scale of engineering construction and the concrete construction contents, charging service ability, acceptance results reported: at the national development and reform, finance, public security, housing, urban and rural construction, quality and technology supervision, safety production supervision departments and so on.

    Viii. Price management

    Utility charging pile operators can charge two fees for electricity and charging service charge for electric car users of new energy. The price of the electricity and charging service should be clearly marked.

    (I) standard for electricity bills:

    1, reporting directly to the network operation enterprises managerial focus in filling the electricity facilities of electricity power (including new energy bus charging charge for electricity facilities), according to the provincial development and reform commission on the profit-making centralized filling in reply the problem of electricity price for electricity facilities "(yue change price letter [2016] no. 2747) carry out the industrial electricity price, 2020 years ago a suspension for basic electricity.

    2. Other charging facilities shall be used to carry out the classified price of electricity in the place where they are located. Among them, the residents' domestic residences, residential communities, and non-resident users who carry out the electricity price of the residents shall be charged with the electricity consumption of the electricity and electricity of the electricity supply and the electricity price of the people who use the electricity price of the residents. The charging facilities set up in party and government organs, enterprises and institutions and public parks shall be used for the use of electricity prices of "general industrial and commercial and other" types of electricity. Among them, according to the "reply to the related problems of electric vehicle electricity price policy in our province" (guangdong issue price letter [2015] no.2636), resident users can perform peak valley power price.

    (2) charging standard for charging service fee. In accordance with the "whoever invests, benefits" charging charging fees in accordance with the law and the principle of according to regulation, specific standards by the municipal department in charge of price according to the relevant provisions of the state and provincial government, combining the reality of our city for approval.

    (3) fee settlement method. For the convenience of users, the enterprise shall establish a service charging mobile client public service platform, the third-party platform to access the entire province unified charging infrastructure should be reserved intelligence service platform, encourage the alipay, micro letter, recharge CARDS, such as cash pay the charge fee, extend relevant value-added services through the "Internet +".

    9. Operation management

    (a) charging infrastructure operating enterprise shall comply with the relevant provisions of the state qualification requirements, follow the national and provincial laws and regulations of charging facilities operation and management, technical specification and construction service standards, to accept the safety supervision of the competent department of the government. The provision of special and self-service charging facilities for charging charging services shall be encouraged to open to the public, and the relevant provisions of the operation of the utility charging facilities shall be complied with.

    (2) the functions of the charging facilities operating enterprises include:

    1. Manage the charging process and provide charging services and value-added services for users. It encourages users to provide services such as charging navigation, status inquiry, charging appointment and fee settlement, etc., to expand the value-added service to improve user experience and operational efficiency.

    2. Charging facilities shall be tested or calibrated according to law.

    3. Responsible for the maintenance and maintenance of charging facilities to ensure the safe operation of charging facilities.

    4. The power quality shall be monitored and met national standards, and shall not be affected by charging facilities access to the safety of public grid and power quality.

    5. Fulfill the responsibility of production safety, establish safety management system, prepare emergency plan and equip with necessary equipment and equipment. Check the safety production status of the unit each month and record the inspection status. Measures should be taken to eliminate the safety hazards of the unit.

    6. Connect the operating charging facilities to the unified charging intelligent service platform of the province, and ensure the connectivity of the charging infrastructure in user search, cost settlement and other aspects.

    7. Establish information disclosure system and service complaint handling mechanism.

    (3) demolition of the charging facilities.

    1. The operation period of the public charging facilities shall not be less than five years. Due to the planning adjustment, land expropriation and demolition, etc., it is necessary to complete the procedures for the opening and sale of the table to the power grid enterprises, and the relevant situation shall be copied to the corresponding department.

    2. If the special and self-service charging facilities need to be removed, the enterprise shall handle the procedures for the opening and removal of the account and the relevant conditions shall be copied to the corresponding department. Demolition of the ownership of the charging facilities; In the process of demolition, where the common site and the Shared facilities are damaged, the responsible person shall return to the original state in time and bear the liability for compensation.

    Supporting safeguards

    (1) strengthen organizational leadership and strengthen responsibility. Cities (area) government is the region's electric vehicle charging infrastructure construction, the main responsibility of the work according to the electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the city plan and arrangement to promote the electric car charging infrastructure within their respective administrative areas, clear target and timing. The competition determines that there is no independent public charging station project construction unit in this administrative region. We will strengthen supervision and guidance to the grass-roots departments, carry out special inspection regularly, and ensure the progress, quality and safety of the project.

    Strengthen the protection of power facilities. For the centralized and distributed charging pile projects that are included in the first batch of construction list, the power grid enterprises should provide convenient conditions for charging facilities, open up the green channel and improve the efficiency. The recharging facilities shall be included in the special planning of power facilities to ensure the safe and reliable power supply of charging facilities. For existing old residential areas and commercial districts, if there is a need to build a charging pile project, power grid enterprises will assist in the transformation of electric power to ensure that the charging pile is connected with the power load. Electric vehicle charging facilities and cost in power transmission and distribution of electricity power grid enterprise, fill (in) the electric property grid points to form a complete set of access facilities engineering, the power grid enterprise concerned shall be responsible for the construction and operation maintenance, can not answer the net charge, the corresponding cost into the power grid distribution cost accounting.

    (3) improve fiscal and taxation policies. We will provide subsidies to the construction of new energy vehicles to replace the electricity and electricity of new energy vehicles through the implementation of the requirements of the national organization for development (2015) no. 73 and the number 23 of the yuefu office [2016]. Development and reform department at the provincial fiscal subsidy policy, based on the reference of the efficiency of the other cities, accelerate to develop electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the city of fiscal subsidies detailed implementing rules, and released to the public as soon as possible. At the same time, the financial department should release and use the financial subsidy funds regularly and accept social supervision. The implementation of the state of charging infrastructure enterprises preferential tax policies, increasing financial support, innovative financial products, make full use of financing lease, franchise rights pledge and green bonds financing, enterprise development support charging infrastructure construction operation.

    (4) increase land support. Will separate covers an area of the purging of power station sites included in the scope of land for public facilities outlets, according to the gas supply air entrainment model, according to the supply of state-owned construction land, included in the annual land supply plan, first guaranteed supply of land. Supply of land for new project need PeiJian charging infrastructure, PeiJian requirements can be incorporated into the conditions of land supply, allowing the land use right obtained in collaboration with other market main body, operating charging infrastructure investment construction according to the requirements. Take advantage of existing sites and facilities to promote the construction of charging facilities. Explore the possibility of using road Bridges, elevated shelves and spare sites to build charging stations.

    (5) strengthening security supervision. Industry department in charge of supervise and urge the charging infrastructure operations using the units or individuals, strengthen the charging infrastructure and its setting place of daily fire safety inspection and management, in a timely manner to eliminate potential safety problems, public security, safety and other departments in accordance with the division of duties to do charging infrastructure and its setting place of fire and the supervision and administration of production safety. The operation and maintenance of the charging facilities shall establish an informationization management service platform for electric vehicles and infrastructure, conduct real-time monitoring of the charging facilities and improve the emergency response measures.

    (6) create a favorable public opinion environment. Departments concerned, enterprises and the news media through a variety of forms to strengthen the charging infrastructure development policy, planning and layout, such as propaganda, strengthen the supervision of public opinion at the same time, exposure hinder the charging infrastructure, damage the interest of consumer behavior, such as the formation of public opinion atmosphere conducive to the development of charging infrastructure.

    (7) the construction of charging facilities according to the monthly report. The competent authorities of the charging facilities of the relevant units shall set up the project construction account according to the requirements and submit the construction of charging facilities in the region by 28 days a month.

    (8) increase the popularity of electric vehicles. Vigorously promote the electric car popularization, on official cars, buses, taxis and utilities sectors such as car rental car advocate the use of electric cars, promote the development of electric vehicles, charging pile increased utilization rate, make the electric car industry and charging pile can complement each other, healthy development.

    Xi. Supplementary provisions

    What is the meaning of the following terms in this work programme:

    (1) electric vehicles refer to pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

    (2) charging infrastructure refers to all kinds of centralized filling in power station and distributed charging pile and its access to the superior power supply facilities, including charging station ground structures, charging stations such as charging set each (piles) and the access to superior power supply, monitoring and control system of relevant supporting facilities, etc.

    (3) centralized recharging stations include the bus replacement power station, the taxi replacement power station, the special vehicle replacement power station, the city public charging station and the inter-city quick filling station; The distributed charging piles include public charging piles, internal special charging piles and private charging piles.

    (4) the construction and operation of charging facilities refers to enterprises engaged in the planning, investment, construction and operation of electric vehicle charging facilities, and providing charging services and related value-added services.

    (5) operating vehicles refer to the commercial vehicles that are engaged in road passenger transport, such as buses, passenger cars, taxis and other freight vehicles such as passenger vehicles and logistics vehicles.

    (6) special vehicles "refers to a set each device has a dedicated, has the special function, used to bear the task or special assignments, and other special transportation vehicles, special purpose such as sanitation trucks, logistics vehicles, police vehicles, etc.

    The following is a schedule for the programme







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